March 10, 2020 – Ancient Psychedelia, the BOOK and DVD NOW Available in the Store.

Alien Gods & Mushroom Goddesses
Steles & Early Art
Egypt Steles | Minoan Seals | Misc. & Random
Sumerian Seals | Rome Steles

Religious Art
All Saints Church | Arabic & Muslim | |Augustine Gospels Folio | Basilica Aquileia | Basilica di San Marco| Bible of Tours | Canterbury Psalter | Codex Egberti |
Chartres Cathedral | Church of St Christopher | Codex Aureus von Canterbury | Devil | Douce Apocalypse Florentine Codex |Garden of Eden | Gospel Book of Otto III | John the Baptist | Marie-Madeleine |Manna from Heaven Painted Art | Notre Dame de Laon | Popes & Cardinals | St Albans Psalter | St George
St Margaret | St Michael’s Church Virgin Mary

Ancient Cave Art
Africa | Australia | Canada | India Italy | North America | Siberia
South America | Spain

Earth Formations
Animal Spirits | Balanced Rocks Dinosaur Tracks | Giant Footprints Mushroom Rocks | Petrified Stumps

Goddesses & Gods
Abraxas | Adad | Amun | Akhenaten | Anu | Aphrodite | Arinna | Apis | Apkallu | Artemis / Atargatis | Ascelpius | Ashur | B(al)-Lat | Astarte | Athena | Atlas | Attis | Bau Baba | Bendis | Brigid | Buddha | Durga | Eshmun | Ganesh | Garuda | Glycon | Guan-Yin | Hades | Hathor | Hecate | Hephaestus | Hera | Hercules | Hermes | Horus | Imhotep | Indra | Ishtar | Isis | Kawill | Khepri | Krishna | Kubaba | Lajja Gauri | Lamashtu | Marduk | Medusa | Melusina | Minerva | Mithra | Nannar-Sin | Nekhbet | Nergal | Nintu | Nuwa | Oannes | Orpheus | Osiris | Pasiphae | Persephone / Demeter | Polyphemus | Prometheus | Ptah | Quetzelcoatle | Rama | Scylla | Sekhmet | Serapis | Shamash \\\\\\\\ Sheela-na-gig | Shiva | Sisyphus | Sobek | Tanit | Teshub | Thoth | Triptolemus | Typhon | Vulcan | Yama | Zeus

Alchemy Art
Book of Lambspring | Cabala Mineralis | Misc.| Christi Testamenta Philosophia Reformata
Rosicrucian Enlightenment

Fairy Tale Art
Beauty & the Beast | Cinderella
Hansel & Gretal | Jack & the Giant
Red Riding Hood | Rip Van Winkle Rumpelstiltskin | Sleeping Beauty Snow White | Fairy Queen | Tom Thumb

Modern Psychedelia
Movies & TV | Misc. & Random
Toys & Models | Vintage Postcards

Temple Sites / Cities
Africa | Anatolia | Asia | Karnac Temple | Mushroom Geographies | Greece | India
Middle East | Central America